
Document Type

Original Study


Aim: This study was designed to evaluate the effect of smoking on the expression of hβD-2 in the GCF after non-surgical periodontal therapy. Subjects & Methods: Ten non-smokers patients with chronic periodontitis and ten smoker patients with chronic periodontitis with age ranged between 25-40 years were selected for this study. All patients were examined with clinical periodontal parameters. Patients in both groups underwent nonsurgical periodontal therapy combined with a maintenance program (including brushing with regular toothpaste). GCF samples were collected all patients at baseline, one month as well as 3 months after periodontal therapy. Quantification of β-defensin-2 in human samples was measured using hβD-2 ELISA test. Results: Non-surgical periodontal therapy resulted in relative improvement in all clinical parameters as well as an increase in hβD-2 levels. In addition, GCF levels of hβD-2 were higher after non-surgical treatment in non-smoker groups than smokers. Conclusions: Deficiency of hβD-2 possibly could be related to host/microbial interaction and Smoking could modulate secretion of hβD-2, which represents a local defense dysfunction.


Beta defensins-2; Chronic, periodontitis; Smoking
