
Corresponding Author

Mohamed ali, Sarah

Document Type

Original Study


Abstract:Purpose: This study evaluated and compared the effect of application of Forsterite nanoparticles in different protocols on permeability of superficial and deep dentin at different time intervals. Materials and methods: thirty human molars were used to prepare 60 dentin discs, divided into three main groups (n=20) (P); (P1): Forsterite nanoparticles alone, (P2): Forsterite nanoparticles added to an adhesive system and (P3): Forsterite nanoparticles incorporated in Glass Ionomer. main groups were subdivided into two subgroups (n=10) according to the dentin depth (D); (D1): superficial dentin and (D2): deep dentin. Permeability was measured at three time intervals (T); (T1) baseline, (T2) after one week and (T3) after four weeks. Three wt% of forsterite nanoparticles were added to adhesive system and Glass ionomer. Teeth were sectioned to obtain superficial and deep dentin discs of; 1 mm (± 0.1mm) thickness. Modified Pashly’s split chamber was used to measure dentin permeability at baseline and after application of different protocols. Representative samples were assessed with ESEM and EDAX. Results: all protocols showed permeability reduction. (P2) showed the least permeability at T2 for superficial and deep dentin discs, (P1) showed the least permeability at T3 for both superficial and deep dentin discs and (P3) showed the least permeability reduction. Conclusion: it was concluded that Forsterite nanoparticles applied in different protocols can reduce dentin permeability in superficial and deep dentin. Superior dentin permeability reduction could be achieved after one week of using Forsterite nanoparticles added to the adhesive system and four weeks after using Forsterite nanoparticles alone.


Keywords: dentin permeability; forsterite nanoparticles; Adhesive system; Glass Ionomer

Subject Area

Restorative Dentistry Issue (Removable Prosthodontics, Fixed Prosthodontics, Endodontics, Dental Biomaterials, Operative Dentistry)
