
Document Type

Original Study


Purpose: The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of single drilling technique on stability and osseointegration of delayed dental implant in type IV bone density. Subjects and Methods: The current study was performed on twelve (12) healthy patients that were divided randomly into two groups: Group 1 (Test group) included six (6) patients with delayed implant insertion using single drilling technique; Group 2 (Control group) included six (6) patients with delayed implant insertion using the conventional sequential drilling. Results: A non-statistically significant difference was recorded in clinical parameters after six months follow up in both groups. Test group demonstrated a highly significant increase in primary stability and its bone density after six months in comparison with control group. Conclusion: The use of single drilling technique in type IV bone density appears to have a promising result in increasing primary implant stability and promoting osseointegration.


Dental Implants, single drilling, osseointegration.

Subject Area

Oral Medicine and Surgical Sciences Issue (Oral Medicine, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Pathology, Oral Biology)

Included in

Dentistry Commons
