
Document Type

Original Study


Purpose: This study involved treating demineralized dentin samples with either chitosan or Recaldent (GC MI Paste Plus) and then analyzing the degree of re-mineralization that occurred on the treated surfaces. Materials and methods: Eighty maxillary premolars were cut occlusally to expose the dentin surface, then classified into 4 equal groups (20 each): Negative control group (GI) the dentin was sound, demineralized group (GII) dentin surface was demineralized by acid etching, (GIII) dentin surface was re-mineralized by GC MI paste plus, and (GIV) dentin surface was re-mineralized by chitosan hydrogel. All groups were reserved in artificial saliva until examination at two different time intervals. Before the examination time, the prepared specimens were cut longitudinally. After 10 days, 5 specimens from each group were evaluated using a scanning electron microscope with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Fourier transforms Infrared spectroscopy examined the other 5 specimens from each group. These methods were repeated after 20 days also. Results: The control group (GI) showed a smooth, regular dentin surface. GII (demineralized group) showed roughness, a non-homogenous dentin surface with complete surface irregularities. GIII (recaldent-treated) teeth showed average re-mineralization process features. GIV (chitosan-treated) teeth showed completely occluded dentinal orifices with overall masking of the surface with remineralizing material deposition. Statistical results: The statistical difference among the groups was significant. Conclusion: Chitosan is more effective as a re-mineralizing agent than GC MI paste plus.


Biomimetic, Remineralization, Demineralization, Chitosan hydrogel, Recaldent.

Subject Area

Oral Medicine and Surgical Sciences Issue (Oral Medicine, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Pathology, Oral Biology)

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Dentistry Commons
