
Document Type

Original Study


Purpose: comparison of cleaning quality and instrumentation time between manual instrumentation with that of rotary systems (Kedo SG and AF fanta baby) in the preparation of deciduous root canals. (In vitro study). Materials and methods: A total of thirty extracted primary canines were divided into 3 groups each one consists of 10 teeth group I were manually prepared using stainless steel K-files (Mani) group II were cleaned with Rotary file system Kedo‑SG blue group III were prepared with Rotary file system (AF Baby file system). The samples were prepared for SEM analysis by using a stainless steel chisel, to split each sample in two. Photomicrographs of each canal’s cervical, middle and apical thirds were taken for the final assessment. This was done with a magnification of 350x (for debris score) and 1500x (for the smear layer).Results: According to debris and smear layer scale the results were in favor of two rotary systems with statistically significant difference between fanta and kedo groups with manual files. Conclusion: using rotary files to prepare primary teeth is superior to using manual K-files. This is due to shortened work time, improving children’s compliance. Additionally, they have reasonable cleaning capacity.


K- file. Rotary files, debris & smear layer, SEM

Subject Area

Pediatric dentistry and orthodontics Issue (Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics)

Included in

Dentistry Commons
