
Corresponding Author

Fatma F. Mohamed

Document Type

Original Study


Purpose: The current study aimed to evaluate the effect of injectable platelet- rich fibrin (I-PRF) mixed with chitosan-bioactive glass scaffold on soft and hard tissue healing around dental implants. Subject and Methods: A total of 14 patients, ranging in age from 20 to 45 years old, were divided into two groups randomly. Group A: Immediate dental implants were placed associated with chitosan-bioactive glass (CBG). Group B: Immediate dental implants were placed associating chitosan-bioactive glass (CBG) mixed with injectable platelet-rich fibrin (CBG +I-PRF). Implant stability and its measurements were evaluated for each group and compared between groups. Results: In the mean of implant stability a statistically significant difference existed within group A as implant stability increased from baseline immediately after implant insertion to follow-up period after six months, also statistically significant difference existed in the mean of Implant Stability within group B as implant stability increased from baseline immediately after implant insertion to follow up period after six months. However, there was no significant statistical difference in the mean of Implant Stability and soft tissue thickness between the two groups. Conclusions: CBG and CBG mixed with (I-PRF) have positive effect on bone regeneration.


Immediate Implant, Regeneration, Chitosan-Bioactive Glass (CBG), Injectable Platelet Rich Fibrin (I-PRF), Implant stability

Subject Area

Oral Medicine and Surgical Sciences Issue (Oral Medicine, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Pathology, Oral Biology)

Included in

Dentistry Commons
