
Document Type

Original Study


Objective: this study aimed to compare microleakage of conventional glass-ionomer cement , highly viscous glass-ionomer cement (HVGIC), resin cement and resin modified glass-ionomer cement (RMGIC) with prefabricated posterior NuSmile® ZR crowns. Materials and Methods: forty prefabricated Nusmile zirconia crowns for lower primary second molars were cemented by different four types of cements. Group I: ten of crowns were cemented by ketac cement, Group II: ten of crowns were cemented by fuji IX cement, Group III: ten of crowns were cemented by panavia SA auto-mix cement and Group IV: ten of crowns were cemented by fuji II cement. After thermo-cycling, microleakage was evaluated to all of groups. Results: The results of ANOVA meaning there was a highly significant difference between groups, especially between GII (High viscous GIC) which had the highest mean of microleakage and GIII (Resin cement) which had the lowest mean of microleakage. Conclusion: after thermo-cycling resin cement (group III) showed the least microleakage with prefabricated Nusmile zirconia crowns, resin modified GIC Group (IV) showed more microleakage than resin cement ,conventional GIC (Group I )showed more microleakage than resin and modified resin GIC and Group II high packable GIC (fuji IX) had the highest microleakage.


Microleakage, Nusmile zirconia crowns, Fuji II, Ketac, Panavia

Subject Area

Pediatric dentistry and orthodontics Issue (Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics)

Included in

Dentistry Commons
