
Corresponding Author

Abd El-Ghany, Ahmed

Document Type

Original Study


Abstract: In order to simplify bonding procedures, self-etching adhesive systems have been implemented. It has less acidity than phosphoric acid, so there is a doubt whether these systems are strong enough for enamel bonding. This study is aimed at comparing the shear bond strength of various adhesive systems for pre-etched and non-etched enamel. This study used 60 human molars. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) has been used to assess whether the shear bond strength between the various groups have been significantly differing. The post hoc test of tukey’s had been evaluated. The p value was


shear; self-etching; non-etched enamel; self-adhesives

Subject Area

Restorative Dentistry Issue (Removable Prosthodontics, Fixed Prosthodontics, Endodontics, Dental Biomaterials, Operative Dentistry)
