
Corresponding Author

Khalil, Maie

Document Type

Original Study


The aim of the study: was to evaluate the influence of the surface treatment of implant retained mandibular overdenture on peri-implant bone density.Resorbable Blast Media (RBM) implant surface treatment and acidetched implant surface treatment was used.Materials and Methods: Ten completely edentulous male patients wererehabilitated by mandibular overdenture retained by two dental implantsin the interforaminal region, the one on the right side was acid etched andthe left side was with resorbable blast media (RBM). Peri-implant bonedensity was assessed with cone beam computed tomography at the timeof implant loading, six months and twelve months after denture insertion.Results: There was no significant difference between Acid etched andRBM dental implants on the peri-implant bone density during the followup period. Conclusion: Within the limitations of the number of studiedpatients it could be stated that Acid etched and RBM dental implantsfulfill the criteria of dental implant success and are recommended to beused.


dental implant; Surface treatment; bone density

Subject Area

Restorative Dentistry Issue (Removable Prosthodontics, Fixed Prosthodontics, Endodontics, Dental Biomaterials, Operative Dentistry)
