
Corresponding Author

Youssif, Fatma

Document Type

Original Study


Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the value of quantitative and qualitative mandibular radio morphometric indices, as recorded from panoramic imaging, in prediction and diagnosis of osteoporosis and osteopenia. Materials and methods: Forty postmenopausal women their age between 45 and 65 years previously diagnosed as having osteoporosis as confirmed by DEXA scans were selected. DEXA and Orthopantomogram (OPG) were applied on all the patients. Panoramic mandibular index (PMI), Mental index (MI), gonial index (GI), and mandibular cortical index (MCI) were dignified and matched with the scores obtained from DEXA scan. Results: There was significant correlation between DEXA results with panoramic indices in the normal, osteopenia and osteoporotic groups. Conclusion: By increasing the age and the postmenopausal duration, MCW and PMI decrease, therefore, dentists and dent maxillofacial radiologists could act in a particular manner in early diagnosis of low BMD and help to refer high-danger patients for precise evaluation.


Dual–energy; Absorptiometry scan; Morphometric indices

Subject Area

Oral Medicine and Surgical Sciences Issue (Oral Medicine, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Pathology, Oral Biology)
