
Corresponding Author

Hindi, Rania

Document Type

Original Study


Purpose: The aim of the study was to examine the impact of Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on gamma-irradiated teeth regarding tooth structure hardness, salivary pH and salivary IgA. Material and Methods: Thirty adult male albino rats were separated into three groups, which were control group, irradiated group (animals irradiated with a dose of 6 Gy) and gamma irradiated + Laser (the rats wear exposed to low level laser after three days of gamma radiation). Results: The obtained results revealed that the combination group (Gamma + Laser) recorded the highest salivary IgA followed by Control group while Gamma group recorded the lowest salivary IgA. Also, it was found that the Control group recorded the highest salivary pH followed by the combination group while Gamma group recorded the lowest salivary pH. The combination group (Gamma + Laser) recorded the highest tooth hardness followed by Gamma group while the control group recorded the lowest tooth hardness. Conclusion: With the limitations of this study, it was conducted that the Low-level laser therapy post gamma irradiation reflected a significant increase in salivary pH, salivary IgA and tooth hardness compared to both the control and the gamma-irradiated groups


Low level laser therapy; γ-rays; salivary IgA; Salivary pH

Subject Area

Restorative Dentistry Issue (Removable Prosthodontics, Fixed Prosthodontics, Endodontics, Dental Biomaterials, Operative Dentistry)
