
Corresponding Author

Habba, Doaa

Document Type

Original Study


Purpose: The current research was conducted to estimate the anticarcinogenic effect of sulforaphane (SFN) combined with different doses of the chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin (CIS) on the cell line of Squamous cell carcinoma orally to consider sulforaphane (Broccoli extract) Outcome on cell viability and apoptosis of the oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line. Subjects and Method: Squamous cell carcinoma of the human tongue (SCC9) cell line subcultured to obtain 6 study groups, which were subjected to SFN, CIS with low dose, CIS with high dose and a combination of both (SFN with CIS in low concentration = mix1 and SFN with CIS in high concentration = mix2), one study group of SCC9, not subjected to therapy, was used as a negative control. Using Doses of both SFN, CIS were determined using the MTT viability assay, to calculate their IC50 value. Then, apoptotic analysis, using Caspase3, in different study groups were assessed using RT-PCR. Results: Treatment results have been measured for cell viability, apoptosis and gene expression. In dose- and a time- dependent way, SFN decreased viability for SCC9 cells. SFN-combined therapy increased CIS cytotoxic activity because low-dose CIS (mix1) SFN was extremely cytotoxic to SCC9 after 72 hours. SFN increased SCC9 apoptosis with a high dose of CIS (mix2) and that process was due to up-regulation of Caspase3. Conclusion: Cytotoxicity against SCC9 cells was increased by combining SFN with low doses of CIS. In the treatment of OSCCC, combined SFN-CIS mixtures have a possible additive mean.


Squamous cell carcinoma; Sulforaphane; Cisplatin

Subject Area

Oral Medicine and Surgical Sciences Issue (Oral Medicine, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Pathology, Oral Biology)
