Volume 6, Issue 1 (2019)
Oral Medicine and Surgical Sciences Issue (Oral Medicine, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Pathology, Oral Biology)
Experimental Study of Bone Defect Repair Using Centrifuged and Non-Centrifuged Bone Marrow Aspirate
Hanaa H El-Marzouky, Fatma A Khalifa, Ghada A Khalifa, Ashraf A Shamaa, Mona H Farid, and Shadia ELsayed
Clinical and Radiographic Assessment of Platelet Rich Fibrin Effect in One-Stage Dental Implant
Radwa M. Ismail, Eatemad A. Shoreibah, and Mai S. Attia
Evaluation of Fascin Expression in Selected Salivary Gland Tumors (An immunohistochemical study)
Alaa E. Ebrahim, Nadia A. Radi, and Eman A. Abo Hager
Restorative Dentistry Issue (Removable Prosthodontics, Fixed Prosthodontics, Endodontics, Dental Biomaterials, Operative Dentistry)
The Effect of Flexible Acrylic Resin Lingual Flanges on The Retention of Mandibular Complete Dentures
Huda Salama, Hala Gamal Eldin, and Yasmeen AlMahdy
Assessment of Microbial Adherence on Conventional and CAD/CAM Complete Denture
Dina M Kholief and Shereen M Kabeel
Comparative Study of Some Natural Materials Versus Traditional Medicaments used for Pulp Treatment of Primary Teeth
Sara N. Hashem, Mervat I. Fawzy, and Mohammed H. Mostafa
Effect of Etching Time and Bioglass Nanoparticle Incorporation in adhesive resin on Microtensile Bond Strength to Enamel
Doaa A. Elsharkawy
Comparison between Tracing Method and Cone Beam Imaging for Recording Bennett Movement
Sara M. Bahaa El-Din, Mostafa M. Abd El-Ghany, Amany A. Abd El-fattah, and Dina M. Kholief
Evaluation of the Antibacterial Effect of Apple Vinegar as a Root Canal Irrigant Using Endovac Irrigation System
Taghreed S. El-Sayed, Mohsen M. Nour El-Deen, Mohamed E. Rokaya, and Mohamed M. Sherif
Evaluation of Fracture Resistance of Some Contemporary Class II Glass Ionomer Restorations at Different Time Intervals
Nafesa Sakr, Maha Niazy, and Nevin Gad
Splinting of Mini Implants Used to Assist Complete Mandibular Overdentures with Two Different Bar Designs: A 3-Year Clinical and Radiographic Study
Radwa M.K. Emera and Heba Nabil
The Effect of Changing Vertical Dimension of Complete Denture Within its Normal Range on Sound Production With The Presence or Absence of Palatal Rugae.
Amany EL-Agha, Hala Gamal Eldeen, and Yasmeen AlMahdy
Comparison between Two Different Impression Techniques in Ball and Socket Attachments Supported Complete Implant Overdentures on Electromyographic Activity
Marwa Seif El Nasr, Mostafa M. Abd El Ghany, and Dina M. Kholief
Effect of Nanotitanium Dioxide Fillers Addition on the Compressive Strength of Experimental Composite Resin Core Material
Amal M. El Shahawi, Maha A. Neyazy, Inas T. Motawea, Magdy S. W Farag, Dalia Y. Zaki, Marwa A. Sherief, and Haidy N. Salem
Noha T. Alloush, Mohamed E. Sanad, and Shereen M. Kabeel